This event is the single biggest business education event of 2019 uniquely capturing the key concerns of all medical professionals.
BFD19 is an opportunity to network with business entrepreneurs, successful practice owners, visionary practice managers, emerging fellows, retiring business owners and newly graduated interns. A spectacular Gala Dinner with charity auction is available as a discounted add on for full delegate tickets. We have also included welcoming cocktails for our past attendees and sponsors.
Over 90 workshops across the weekend, 3 keynote speakers, 40 exhibitors, and 40 presenters over 3 days we offer streams to suit all career stages.
Our new “Women in Medicine” workshops – “Thriving not just surviving” – offers life and career advice from four successful female surgeons who have survived the training of a male dominated specialty. These workshops are the essentials of good living for our junior doctors and female surgical trainees as well as our Panel Discussion which will be open to all attendees.
Our sponsors and presenters are hand selected with just 12 exhibitor’s opportunities on each conference day. We seek business sponsors that reflect the values of Business for Doctors.