
Western Sydney Property Market Overview

Western Sydney Property Market Overview

A once-in-several-generations property investment opportunity has emerged. in 2018, the NSW government embarked on a 40-year plan to transform sydney and its surroundings into an integrated metropolis of three distinct cities.

The multi-billion dollar plan will improve infrastructure and public facilities including healthcare, education and public amenities. added to this is several billion dollars more from private sector investment in manufacturing, retail and lifestyle services

Sydney will be transformed from a single city into a metropolis of three cities, interconnected via highways and railway, allowing most residents to live within 30 minutes of their destination. Without this, Sydney will not be able to accommodate its 8 million residents by 2040.

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A once-in-several-generations property investment opportunity has emerged. in 2018, the NSW government embarked on a 40-year plan to transform sydney and its surroundings into an integrated metropolis of three distinct cities.

The multi-billion dollar plan will improve infrastructure and public facilities including healthcare, education and public amenities. added to this is several billion dollars more from private sector investment in manufacturing, retail and lifestyle services

Sydney will be transformed from a single city into a metropolis of three cities, interconnected via highways and railway, allowing most residents to live within 30 minutes of their destination. Without this, Sydney will not be able to accommodate its 8 million residents by 2040.